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放鬆下來享受一些風味不同的故事。 多閱讀是提升英文能力的最佳途徑之一﹔好故事既賞心悅目又能加強您的英文理解力。

The Diary of a Ghost 一個鬼的日記

Day 1(第1天)Day2(第2天)Day3(第3天)Day4(第4天)Day5(第5天)Day6(第6天)Day7(第7天)Night 7(第7夜)Day8 (第8天)Day38(第38天) Day39 (第39天)Night 39 (第39夜)Day40 (第40天)

Day 1 :
第一天 :

I am a ghost, or at least I think I am. I am not quite sure really, and I have no idea how I became a ghost. All I can remember is that something very strange happened one night.


It seemed I was in a very dark tunnel and there were bright colours like a rainbow shining at the far end. I thought I was dreaming. In the bright light there were some vague figures beckoning: “Come with us,” they called, so I approached the light.“You have finished here,” I heard them say, but I didn’t understand. What have I finished? Who were they? And where was here?

好像我是在一個很暗的隧道裡而在遠處有一片很耀眼的顏色像彩虹似的光照耀著。我以為我是在作夢。在那片耀眼的光裡有幾個模糊的人形在向我招手 :“跟我們來,”他們喊著,所以我就向著那片光前進。“你已經完成這兒了。”我聽到他們說﹔可是我不明白,我完成了什麼? 他們是誰啊?這兒又是哪兒呢?

I hesitated, the dream was uncomfortable, and I just wanted to wake up.“I am not going.” I turned around.“Come with us,” they called again, but I hurried back towards the darkness.“Wow!” I was running so fast that I felt almost like flying, somehow next moment I found myself in the living room.


I had a big shock the moment I opened my eyes wide. The living room was bare. I searched through the whole house, there was no furniture and no trace of my parents or my brother either. They were definitely gone! Had they moved house without me? They wouldn’t! But where were they? Why didn’t I go with them? What have I been doing to miss them? Thousands of questions raced through my mind, but I had no answers.

當我睜大眼睛那瞬間我嚇了一大跳。客廳裡光溜溜的。我找遍整個屋子,家具都不見了,也沒看到爸媽或我弟弟的蹤影。他們是確定不見了! 難道他們搬家離開我了?他們不可能這樣做的! 可是他們在哪裡啊? 我為什麼沒跟他們一起走呢? 我到底是在做什麼才錯過的呢? 幾千個問題在我心裡繞著,但我卻沒答案。

It must have been about dawn. The faint daylight made me feel a little uncomfortable. I went into my bedroom. Everything has been removed except the mirror on the wall. I glanced into the mirror; the oak tree in the back garden was just visible. The room looked so big and empty. Empty!!


Oh! Strange! Why couldn’t I see myself in the mirror? I moved right in front of the mirror and looked hard into the sheet of glass. I couldn’t see even a trace of my reflection!What! I was invisible! But how could I be? It must be a trick! Oh! Heavens! I remembered Grandma used to say that ghosts have no reflections. I looked even harder into the mirror from all angles. No! No! No! I could not see myself at all! Was I a GHOST? My heart sank. I am too sad to carry on now.

喔! 奇怪! 為什麼我看不到自己在鏡子裡? 我移到鏡子的正前方仔細看著那片玻璃。我看不見一絲絲我的影像! 什麼回事啊!我是隱形的!可是我怎麼可能呢? 這一定是個詭計! 喔!天啊!我記起祖母曾經說過鬼沒有影像的。我更仔細得從各種角度看著那鏡子。不!不!不!我完全看不見自己! 我是個鬼嗎? 我的心沉了下去。現在我太傷心而繼續不下了。

Day 2 :
第2天 :

The bright sunshine outside is making me very ill. I am trapped in the house. I don’t know what to do now. I have looked into that mirror on the wall thousands of times, even standing upside down in front of it. Am I really a ghost? Was Grandma right about ghosts having no reflections? Could I be invisible for some other reason? How can I be a ghost? I can think and I can move too, didn’t old Descartes say “I think therefore I am”? I shouldn’t be a ghost! I can’t be a ghost! I refuse to be a ghost! But why am I trapped in this empty house?

外面那耀眼的陽光讓我覺得很難受。我被陷套在這屋子裡。我不知道現在要怎麼辦。我已經在牆上那面鏡子裡看了幾千次了,甚至在鏡子前面倒立站著。我真的是個鬼嗎? 祖母說鬼沒有影像是真的嗎? 我可能是因為其他什麼原因才會成了隱形的吧? 我怎麼可能是個鬼呢? 我能想也能動,那個老迪卡爾特不是說過“我思故我在”的嗎? 我應該不會是個鬼吧! 我不可能是個鬼的! 我拒絕當個鬼! 可是我為什麼被陷套在這個空屋裡呢?

Day 3 :
第3天 :

Nobody around and nothing happened all day long. I don’t know the date, month, year or hour. That awful sunshine still makes me ill. I still can’t see myself in that stupid mirror. Wait until my family come back. How could they move away without me? Don’t they realise that I am missing? I’ll make them sorry! Why didn’t they get the police to search for me, how could they be so stupid? Surely the school wants to know why I am absent, don’t they? Why haven’t they notified my parents and got them to look for me? Why is everyone so incompetent!

一整天都看不到人而且什麼事都沒發生。我不知道這是哪日、哪月、哪年或幾點。那恐怖的陽光仍然讓我覺得難受。我依然看不到自己在那面笨鏡子裡。等我家人回來再說。他們怎麼可以沒帶我一起搬家? 難道他們不知道我不見了嗎? 我要他們難過! 他們為什麼不叫警察來尋找我,他們怎麼可能那麼笨呢? 學校肯定要知道我為什麼缺席吧,他們不想知道嗎? 為什麼他們不通知我父母叫他們去尋找我呢? 為什麼大家都那麼無能呢!

Day 4 :
第4天 :

Still no one around! The sunshine makes me feel horribly ill. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, or with everything. I used to love sunny days, and now I start to lose my energy as soon as the sun comes out, I only get better after dark. I need to see my doctor. Doctor! Why didn’t I think of him earlier? He would be able to tell me everything. If I could just be cured I swear I would never be unkind to my brother, or tell lies, or do anything bad ever again. I just want my family to come and save me. I don’t want to be in this horrible empty house. Please can someone, anyone, come and save me. I promise I will be a better person from now on.

仍然看不到什麼人! 那陽光讓我覺得非常難受。我不知道我或這一切的事到底是有什麼不對勁。我一直都喜歡出太陽的日子的,可是現在只要太陽一出來我就開始失去體力了,我只在天暗後才覺得好受些。我得去看我的醫生。醫生!我怎麼沒早些想到他? 他該會告訴我這一切的。如果我能被治療好我發誓我決不再對我弟弟不好、也不再說謊、或再做任何壞事。我只要我家人來救我。我不要待在這個可怕又空曠的屋子裡。拜託誰或任何人來救我,我答應從現在起我會做個更好的人。

Day 5 :
第5天 :

I can’t be bothered to even look into that mirror any more, what’s the point? I can’t see anything in it anyway! I don’t know what’s going on in the world, or where my family is. Nobody came today, not even the postman; there’s no electricity or water, and no TV or telephone; nothing is right, why should I care about anything any more? I might as well disappear from this house! Instead I am stuck here, alone, sick and sad, sad, sad….

我甚至連看也不再想去看那面鏡子了,有什麼用呢? 我反正也看不見有什麼啊!我不知道世界上發生了什麼事,或我家人是在哪裡。今天都沒人來,甚至連郵差也沒來﹔沒電也沒水,沒電視也沒電話﹔沒什麼事對勁的,我為什麼還去在乎任何事呢?我還不如就從這屋子裡消失算了! 而卻被陷套在這裡、難過又傷心、傷心、傷心…

Day 6 :
第6 天 :

It has been several lonely and empty days! All I could do was to scream silently: help! Help! Help! Why couldn’t someone come to save me? I looked into that mirror again today just in case, but I could only see the oak tree. I guess grandma could be right, then, why is there no one to certify that I am a proper ghost if I am supposed to be one? What can I do if I don’t want to be a ghost? Do I have any choice at all? What is a ghost anyway? I have never seen one before; in fact nobody I know has seen a ghost, not even grandma. What is a ghost supposed to look like? Am I really a ghost? Never mind, since I can’t see my reflection in that mirror, I’ll assume that I am a ghost, so from now on I am a ghost! So be it! But what does a ghost do anyway? I will have a good rest and sort out what to do tomorrow.

已經過了好幾天孤單又空洞的日子了! 我所能做的就是默默地狂喊著 : 救我啊! 救我啊! 救我啊! 為什麼沒有人能來救我呢? 今天我又去照那鏡子以防萬一,可是我只能看到那棵橡樹。我猜祖母或許是對的,然而,如果我真是個鬼的話為什麼卻沒人來證明我是個道道地地的鬼呢?如果我不要當個鬼我能怎麼辦呢? 我到底有沒有選擇的餘地呢? 鬼究竟是什麼呢? 我從未見過鬼﹔事實上我所知道的人之中也沒人見過鬼,甚至祖母也沒見過。我真的是個鬼嗎? 算啦,既然我在鏡子裡看不到我的影像,我就當我是個鬼吧,所以從現在開始我是個鬼囉! 就這樣了!我得好好休息一下等明天再處理看要怎麼辦。

Day 7:
第7 天 :

I felt better today. Now that I have accepted what I am, I shall do what ghosts are supposed to do, but what does a ghost do anyway? Knocking things down and throwing furniture around to frighten people. I don’t even need to use a bed sheet to pretend to be a ghost like Mark and I used to do when we were young – cool! But there’s nothing here I can throw and no one to frighten either, how annoying! I must try my ghost powers somehow.

今天我覺得好過些。既然我接受我是個鬼,我就要做鬼該做的事了,可是鬼到底做什麼事呢? 撞翻東西和到處丟家具來嚇人吧。我甚至不必像馬克和我以前小時候常用床巾來假扮鬼了- 真酷! 可是這裡又沒東西我可丟的也沒人我可嚇的,真惱人!我得想辦法試試我的鬼威力。

Today I realised I haven’t eaten or washed for days, and I feel quite alright; wow, not bad being a ghost. I have not been to school for many days, I’ve had no teachers nagging me for homework and I’ve got no exams to worry about. Best of all, no alarm waking me up at seven for school in the morning, I can sleep all day and stay up all night too, hooray! Mark would be so envious if he were here. Well, life is going to be different now, how great!


I thought that ghosts can fly; I tried it and just managed to hop about, not very ghost-like, though bouncing up and down was effortless, but that’s what zombies do, not for a decent ghost like me! I did wonder if I could walk through the wall, but hesitated to try just in case any accidents happened, strange, the thought of accidents made me uneasy. Never mind, perhaps I have to practice.

我以為鬼都會飛的﹔我試著飛卻只能到處跳跳,真不像鬼,不過跳上跳下倒是不費力氣的,可是那是殭屍才做的,不是像我這樣一個有板有眼的鬼在做的! 我也曾想試試看能不能走穿過牆壁,可是為了怕發生意外而猶豫沒試,奇怪的,一想到意外就讓我覺得不舒服。算了,也許我得練習一下。

Night 7:

Staying in this house is no fun! I decided to find out how to get around as a ghost. I managed to squeeze myself through the small gap under the back door, not bad! This skill could be quite useful.

待在這屋子裡真沒趣! 我決定找出當個鬼是要怎麼到處去。我居然能從後門下面的小縫隙擠了出去,還不錯! 這個技巧可能蠻有用的呢。

There was a full moon tonight, everything in the garden looked just as clear under the moonlight as in the day. I peeped into the garage, it was empty inside, our car, lawnmower, deckchairs, football, cricket bats, and tennis rackets … nothing was left. I rushed around all over the garden, Mum’s greenhouse, Grandma’s comfy bench, Dad’s goldfish pond, and the football goal I bought for Mark’s birthday were still there.

今晚有個滿月,在月光下花園裡的東西看起來就跟在白天一樣的清楚。我暼一下車庫,裡面空空的,我們的車,割草機,摺疊椅,足球,板球棒,和網球拍 … 什麼也沒留下。我急忙在花園裡到處找,媽的溫室,奶奶的舒服長椅,爸的金魚池,和我買給馬克當生日禮物的足球門都還在那兒。

I looked at the football goal, wondering why they had left it behind; Mark loved playing football with me! We played together a lot even though he is five years younger than me; I taught him how to play chess and card games; we used to go swimming with Dad while Mum was cooking the Sunday dinner; I suddenly realised that I missed my family very much. How stupid of me to become a ghost!

我望著足球門,奇怪著他們為什麼將它留著﹔馬克很喜歡跟我玩足球的! 雖然他比我小五歲但我們經常在一起玩的﹔我教他下棋和玩撲克牌﹔當媽在煮週日午餐時我們常跟爸一起去游泳的﹔我突然覺悟到我好想念我的家人。我怎麼會笨到變成個鬼呢!

I slowly glided to the front garden, there was a sign standing near the front door, under the moonlight I could see it clearly, it read: SOLD by … Sold?! I should have realised my family had moved! Why else would the house be empty? I must find out where they moved to; they might be missing me, somehow I’ve got to let them know that I am still here! I am still alive and kicking! Well, perhaps not alive, but not quite dead I think.

我慢慢地滑行到前面的花園,靠近前門處插著一塊招牌,在月光下我仍可看得很清楚,上面寫著: 由…出售了,出售了?! 我早該覺悟到我家人已經搬走了! 不然這屋子又怎會空著呢? 我得找出他們是搬到哪裡去了,他們可能很想念我哩,好歹我得讓他們知道我還在這兒啊!我還是活跳跳的啊! 喔,或許不是活的,但我想還沒徹底的死吧。

Day 8 :
第 8天 :

From now on I will just rest during the day, and spring into life in the night like the ghosts I have seen in films.


I feel it’s ridiculous to live a life like this, full of nothingness! Nothing ever happens; I have devised a way to keep track of time, every night I will go out to the garden, pick up a tiny stone and put it under Grandma’s comfy bench to mark a day.

我覺得像這樣過日子真是荒唐,充滿了空洞! 什麼事都不曾發生﹔我想出一個記錄時間的辦法,每夜我到花園去撿一顆小石子放在奶奶的舒服長椅下作記號算一天。

Day 38 :
第38天 :

A whole month has passed without a single human being or ghost visiting this place. I began to wonder if this house was on the Earth at all. Life being a ghost is so empty, I have to find some ghost friends or some ghostly things to do.


As I was dozing off from boredom, someone suddenly opened the front door. I was surprised and quickly hid behind the curtains, but then I realised that probably no one could see me anyway. I wanted to find out what was going on, so I stayed hidden just in case. A couple came in.


“I love the view from this window,” the woman said as she pulled the curtains back. I froze and expected that she would scream when she saw me; but she looked right through me as if I wasn’t there. Of course she couldn’t see me, what a silly ghost I am!
“The house still looks reasonably clean inside, but I have to cut the lawn and get ready for the removal men to come tomorrow,” the man said, then they left.

“我真愛從這個窗子看出去的景色,” 當那個女人拉開窗簾時說著。我僵住了等著當她看到我時會驚叫﹔可是她卻穿透過我看著好像我沒在那兒一樣。當然她看不到我的,我真是個笨鬼!
“這屋子裡面看起來仍相當乾淨,但我得把草坪割了準備好讓搬家的人明天來,” 那個男人說著,然後他們就離開了。

So they must be the new owners of this house! It looked like they are moving in tomorrow; great! I am going to have some company at last!

那他們一定是這房屋的新屋主啦! 看起來好像他們明天要搬進來﹔好啊! 我終於就要有同伴了!

Day 39 :
第39天 :

All morning I had been patiently waiting for the new owners to come, I hoped they hadn’t changed their minds, enough lonely ghost days for me, I was eager to have anyone moving into this house.


Mid afternoon, a car followed by two huge removal vans arrived outside the front door, several workers started to carry furniture and boxes into the house. I hid behind the curtains again to keep out of their way in case they bumped into me, I might frighten them out of their wits.


It was nearly dark by the time the removal vans left. The couple came in the living room, followed by a teenage girl and a nerdy looking young boy. This empty house was full of furniture, boxes and people. Wow, the situation is getting better! Now, no more lonely ghost!

當搬家卡車離開時天已幾乎昏暗了。那夫婦進來客廳,後面跟著一個十幾歲的女孩和一個書呆樣的年輕男孩。這個空屋子充滿了家具、箱子和人。哇,情況是愈來愈好啦! 現在,再也沒有孤單的鬼囉!

The doorbell rang; it was the pizza delivery man. Great! Pizza! I love pizza! Oh, I still couldn’t come to terms with the fact of being a ghost and there were many things ghosts couldn’t do, such as eating, bathing or going out in strong sunshine.

門鈴響了﹔是送披薩的人。好啊! 披薩! 我最喜歡披薩了! 喔,我還是沒法接受自己是個鬼的事實而且有很多事情鬼是無法做的,像吃東西、洗澡或出去到強烈的陽光裡。

When the whole family went into the dining room to have their dinner, I gingerly stepped out from behind the curtains. I spotted a big bookcase next to the window, but no books in it yet. I hovered around in the living room, hopping over the coffee table, armchairs and a pile of boxes, feeling excited, just like being at home.


The door to the dining room suddenly opened and I landed on the floor facing squarely to the nerdy boy. He hesitated for a second then slowly walked to the armchair looking at me all the time; or I thought he was looking from behind his glasses. I felt he could see me, but how could he? No, he couldn’t. I got up from the floor and glided to the coffee table in front of him, waving my arms up and down and making a funny face at him.

往餐廳的門突然打開而我跌到地板上端端正正地面對著那個書呆樣的男孩。他躊躇了一秒然後慢慢地走到扶手椅那兒卻一直都望著我﹔或者我想他是從他的眼鏡後在看著我的。我覺得他能夠看得見我,可是他怎麼可能呢? 不會吧,他不可能的。我從地板上起來滑到他面前的咖啡桌上,上下揮動著我的手又對著他扮鬼臉。

“Don’t be silly!” he whispered, “You shouldn’t stand on the coffee table.”
My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe that he could see me, I must have been imagining it. I looked straight into his glasses for a long while. He looked back at me.
“Can you …?” I asked doubtfully.
“Yes,” he answered quietly.
“You mean you can actually see me?” I was puzzled. He nodded.
“Daniel, give us a hand here please,” the man called from the dining room.
“OK, Dad,” the boy replied, getting up from the armchair.
“But I am a …” I tried to make sense of what had just happened.
“I have to go, tell you later,” he walked towards the dining room, “And don’t follow me!”
I couldn’t describe how I felt: shocked, surprised, or something else like seeing a faint light at the end of a long tunnel.

“別傻了!” 他低聲說, “你不應該站在咖啡桌上。”
“我該走了,待會兒告訴你,” 他往餐廳走,“還有,不要跟著我!”
我無法描述我的感覺: 休克、驚訝、或其他像是在一條長長的隧道終端看到一絲微弱的光。

Night 39 :
第39夜 :

All evening I had a big question in my head: how could the boy see me? Then I thought perhaps all his family could see me too, and that could mean I am not really a ghost after all, perhaps I am just invisible somehow. I must find out, so I sat in the middle of the settee waiting for them to have a big surprise when they discovered me.

一整個晚上我的腦子裡繞著一個大問題: 那個男孩怎麼可能看得見我呢? 然後我想或許他全家人都能看得見我,那就是說我畢竟並不真的是個鬼,或許我只不過不曉得為什麼是隱形的。我得找出真相,所以我就坐在沙發椅的中間等著他們發現我時大吃一驚。

Late evening, the mother came in the living room and turned on the TV. She called out,
“The film is going to start in a minute, come and relax now; we’ve had enough unpacking for today, I’ll get some drinks,” then she went to the kitchen.


The rest of the family came in. I thought the boy discreetly waved me to go away, but I was determined to stay. His father and the teenage girl sat down on each side of me, but they both ignored the fact that I was in the middle of them. The mother came in with a tray of drinks; she put the tray on the coffee table and looked like she was going to sit right on me.


“Don’t sit there, Mum!” the boy said quickly, “there’s something on it, I’ll get rid of it for you,” he walked towards me putting a hand into his trousers pocket. He looked at me firmly from behind his glasses, and pulled out a paper tissue from his pocket. I realised that he was the only one who could see me, I disappointedly got up and hovered away to sit on the floor next to the empty bookcase. The boy picked up something from where I sat,
“It’s alright, Mum, only a paper clip.”
“Oh, I wonder how it got there.”
The mother sat down in the middle of the settee.

“不要坐在那兒,媽!” 那男孩很快地說, “那上面有個東西,我來幫你拿掉,” 他將一隻手伸入他的褲子的口袋裡向我這邊走過來。他從眼鏡後面定定地注視著我,從他的口袋裡拉出一張面紙。我覺悟到原來他是唯一能看得見我的,我失望地站起來就滑開到那空書櫃坐在地上。那男孩從我剛才坐的地方撿起了一個東西,

I was struck by a deep feeling of sadness; I am a ghost after all! I didn’t care which film was on the TV.
一陣深深的悲傷感擊上我的心頭﹔我畢竟真是個鬼! 我不在乎電視上播的是哪部影片。


第40天 :

Yesterday was a funny day, I was so excited to have some people moving into the house, and discovering that the boy could see me had raised me to heaven, but then the realisation of being a ghost dropped me right into hell.


Very early in the morning, Daniel was the first to come downstairs. He came into the living room.
“Good morning, er, I don’t know your name,” Daniel said.
“William,” I answered emotionlessly still feeling quite sad.
“What’s the matter?”
“You won’t understand,” I was in no mood for a conversation.
“Well, alright, I am going to have some toast now, if you want to join me,” Daniel walked towards the kitchen.
Toast! Toast! I haven’t had any toast for donkey’s years! I followed him into the kitchen.

“早安,哦,我不知道你的名字,” 丹尼爾說。
“威廉,” 我冷淡地回答,仍覺得很傷感。
“那麼,好吧,現在我要去吃點土司,如果你要跟我一起來,” 丹尼爾往廚房走。
土司! 土司! 我已好久好久沒吃土司了! 我跟著他進了廚房。

I sat down opposite Daniel at the table, he made some toast. I took a piece of toast.
“Have you got any peanut butter?” I asked Daniel.
“Peanut butter? Can you eat? I mean…”
“Oh! Blast! I forgot.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to …”
“No, it’s OK, you are right! I can’t get used to being a ghost. I can’t eat, can’t go out, can’t even frighten people! It’s blasted stupid to be a ghost!” I was getting angry with myself.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you become er …?”
“I don’t know, and this is the silliest thing, I thought I was in a bad dream one night, but found myself trapped in here, anyway, how come you could see me? Are you some kind of spiritualist or something like that?”
“No, I am not spiritual, I just see, I don’t know why or how.”
“You’re spooky!”
“You are the spooky one!”
“Can your family hear us talking?”
“They can hear me of course, but they can’t hear you or see you.”
“Did your …?”
“Shh! My sister is coming, talk to you tonight,” Daniel stopped my question quickly, “Morning, Sally.”

“花生醬? 你能吃嗎? 我的意思是…”
“喔! 該咒的! 我忘了”
“算了,沒事的,你說對了! 我還是不習慣當個鬼。我不能吃,不能出去外面,甚至也不能嚇人! 真是該咒的笨得當個鬼!” 我對自己愈來愈生氣。
“我不知道,這是最呆的事,有個晚上我以為我是在作惡夢,可是發現自己被陷在這兒,反正,你怎麼能看得見我呢? 你是某種巫師或者類似那種人嗎?”
“噓! 我姊姊來了,晚上跟你聊,” 丹尼爾很快地阻止我的問題,


Earlybird Stories 早起鳥英文原文故事
There are many interesting and creative stories including short stories and serials, some with animation. They are suitable for everyone including beginners.